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Finding Connection – A Digital Story by Julie

“My story is about how my mental health was impacted by my heart surgery and how I found connection with others like me at Heart Beats.” ~ Julie

Julie’s ACHD Journey

Conditions: Ventricular Septal Defect – Atrial Septal Defect and Pulmonary Valve Stenosis.

Years Since Last Surgery: 7

Number of Surgeries/Treatments: 3+

  1. Age 1: Open Heart Surgery
  2. Childhood: Multiple Angioplasties
  3. Second Open-Heart Surgery with Pulmonary Valve Replacement
Digital Storytelling

A digital story is a short movie that blends a storyteller’s voice, carefully curated images, and music into a finished digital video between three and five minutes long. Julie, along with five other adults with Congenital Heart Disease, attended a 20-hour multi-day Workshop where they created their digital stories.

The workshop was organized by Common Language DST trained facilitators, Kristy Wolfe & Kristina McGuire, in partnership with Heart Beats Children’s Society of Calgary and funded by the Western Canadian Children’s Heart Network.

You can learn more about the digital storytelling workshop on Kristy Wolfe Stories website.

A digital story by Julie

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